This is an awesome short video clip of true sportsmanship. If you watch this video and can honestly say you wouldn't have done what the loosing team members did. Please do yourself a favor and DON'T continue reading my message. One nice thing about doing business online is we can sort and pick who we want to do business with. I choose to bring people on my team who are not only team players, but are willing to go out of their way to help another team.
Just this morning I did a 45 minute training for people who you would consider a competing team. Why did I do it? Because I knew this team desperatly needed some help understanding online marketing methods. It's kind a ironic actually about 5 minutes after finishing this training I see this sportsmanship video. Got a question for ya...
Would you start in a new business venture if you knew FOR SURE in 3 years you would have AT LEAST $5000 residual per month?
I don't know what your answer to this question is but...
For me I would say YES.. if I knew I didn't have to sell the farm to get there.
Granted it does take some money to grow your business, but what if I could say to you that even with a 90% failure rate you could still be making enough to pay for your expenses during those 3 years.
This is next to the worst case scenario guys... the worst thing that could happen is you quit. BIG MISTAKE! A word of must join a team that has character and stick with them like super-glue!
My Franchise Online Team is only for people who have the ethical and moral structure. (character) Does this discribe you?
Many have looked at my site, have seen the vision and simplicity of what we offer. I don't know if this is for you or not.
Again, you are the final authority on your life. Tune in to yourself and do what's right for you. And as you do this, be alert to those times when you may be dismissing the next gift to come your way.
Let your guard down, give service and let life in.